Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Baby's first Day

First child of Goik Heang and Wai Kee was born 7:50 am July 15, 2008 in Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. Tentatively named Chu An Son aka Anson Chu.

Checked in clinic of Ko Weng Yew at Jln Berserah, Kuantan at 7:00 am.

Goik Heang got prepped while I waited. And I was invited later to accompany her during the child birth. She got an injection of epidural to anaesthezise her lower body before the caesarean.

The caesarean was relatively straight forward without any drama. Not much bleeding according to Dr Ko. Baby Anson appeared with a small wail weighing 2.9 kg.

Baby Anson was taken to the baby room for observation and was accompanied by 2 baby girls who were delivered the day before.

Mommy meanwhile was taken to private room to rest and recover.


JeyPathySarritzu said...

Congrats to you and wifey. Cute fella Chu Jr!

Well if i had my way..i want to be pregnant TOO! Well sadly not yet it seems.

Cheers on the blogsite! Now it will be filled with happy/proud papa's photo gallery! Hehehehe

mo2cha2 said...

Welcome to the club. Already the kid's complaining and mom's all stoned out...heh...(ie. especially about the grammatical error...- oh, is "a son" gonna to be the only one? Advise: Don't wait too long if you plan on having more, although the effort and challenges of raising dem young whipper snappers increases trinomially, it's better for the parents and kids in the long run - but then again, caveat: since Dr. Momo's advise is always free). On a serious note, just checked email and will post something out soon again. As for yourself, I hope that you got someone to help out with house chores and stuff as any minute assistance will be appreciated - trust me on this one. I may need to buy some shares of any companies that manufactures caffeine-based products as you will need them to keep up with the 3 hours a time feeding frenzy. What shall not kill thee shall maketh ye stronger, faster, maybe not better but definitely tougher. Enjoy.

Unknown said...


Cutey baby..definitely cuter than the dad, ha!ha!

Sound advice from mo2cha2 about getting some help on house chores etc..stuff can pile up all of a sudden..

mo2cha2 said...

Suggestion for next post: Expose to the world on how long that it takes you to change your kid's diaper for the very first time...let's compare notes pretending that we are in the ladies' washroom...